Video has gone corporate. Or, more specifically, video has returned to its corporate roots. What do I mean by this? Originally, a video was very expensive to produce, requiring costly cameras, film, and dark rooms. The term “cutting room floor” used to be literal, a place where the film was cut and patched to make the perfect film.
Why is this important? Although video started as a very expensive product that involved physical studios, the age of smartphones has made video less expensive than ever. And as part of that revolution, many platforms for sharing videos have cropped up. In other words, starting with camcorders and continuing into the digital age, video has become highly democratized.
However, the video has never lost its corporate flavor. Whether it’s television commercials, sponsored VCR tapes with usage instructions, and instructional YouTube videos, companies have always used the power of video to their advantage. One of the major ways that companies have done this is through corporate videos. Although they have morphed over the years, they have retained both their ubiquity and their value over the decades.
What is a Corporate Video?
A corporate video is any piece of video footage or the final product made from it that communicates a company’s message. This can include internal messaging, such as onboarding videos or training tips, or it can be external, like content marketing or PR. However, a corporate video is not an explicit advertisement, such as the 60-second spot on Super Bowl Sunday or a back-to-school sales announcement.
With that said, a corporate video can take a wide variety of formats and communicate diverse messages. While they are typically low-budget productions, especially for internal video, they can also be more elaborate. All that matters is that they communicate the company’s message effectively.
8 Common Types of Corporate Videos
With that in mind, here are 8 types of corporate videos that I see used frequently. Many of these you probably see a lot, while others are used much less often. A company’s culture will help determine what types of videos they use and how often they use them. This is especially true with internal videos.
Also, many of the videos I chose exemplify one or a combination of multiple types of common corporate videos. Not only can one video sometimes perform multiple functions accidentally, but sometimes companies designed it that way. For instance, product videos can be useful both for potential clients and for the sales staff.
1. Company Introduction Videos
These corporate videos tell you about a company. They can have many different emphases, such as the company’s mission, its product line, corporate responsibility, or several other issues. However, that doesn’t mean that company introduction videos have to be boring. Sometimes, they can be quite interesting. For instance, social media giant Meta was once a local network built by some Ivy League students. Later, it grew to the global power that it has become. There must be many cool stories from the growth of the company.
Of course, every company has its own story that it can tell in these corporate videos. Sometimes a company is started because the founder had a vision of something bigger and better. Or they have a unique way of dealing with employees and customers while delivering excellent values of their products. The possibilities are endless.
Further Reading: How to Make a Company Introduction Video
2. Product Videos
Companies of all sizes can benefit by producing product videos. This is true whether they have one major product or a host of offerings that suit every lifestyle. Not only do product videos introduce potential customers to a particular product, but they can also help the customer see the value behind that product., These corporate videos can help train sales personnel to explain the product or service better.
3. Explainer Videos
An explainer video is similar to product videos in that they feature a company’s products and services. However, they have a more explanatory approach. Explainer videos also allow presenters to show potential buyers how to use something or why it is important. Think of the difference in terms of showing off the latest gadget in one video versus demonstrating how it works in the other. In other words, product and explainer videos are often two sides of the same coin.
However, that isn’t always the case. Some explainer videos actually talk about the company itself. This is another area of overlap between different types of corporate videos. In addition, a lot of explainer videos are animated rather than live footage.
Further Reading: How To Make an Explainer Video That Sells: Your Complete Guide
4. Product Launch Videos
product launches are a big deal for large companies and small ones alike. These corporate videos announce a new product or service. Sometimes the video was put out just before the actual launch, and sometimes it’s published as part of the launch. Either way, the idea is not only to inform the public about the new product but also to create some buzz. Product launch videos will be accompanied by explainer or generic product videos.
Further Reading: 8 Types of Social Media Videos Your Company Should Create Right Now
5. Event Videos
Companies are like the people who work for them in that they have special events. Sometimes it’s a conference where they are sending sales personnel, and in other situations, perhaps it’s a formal sales event or other industry function. Either way, an event video announces the events before it happens. Often, the aim is to increase attendance. You can also create an event video after the fact, where you talk about the experiences or other major event happenings.
6. Recruitment videos
Especially in a tight labor market, companies often must convince applicants to give them a second look. Some of the most common recruitment videos, at least here in America, are for the military. Arguably, the Armed Forces are some of the earliest adopters of this technique. However, any business in any industry can use recruitment videos to bring in qualified applicants.
7. Testimonial Videos
Testimonials are a powerful marketing tool, especially in competitive industries or when an item is innovative. A testimonial video presents someone’s success story using a product or service. In other words, it talks about how a product was helpful or, in some cases, even changed their life. Especially on social media, a testimonial can form part of the social proof that builds audiences and increases sales.
8. Internal Education Videos
This category is unique among our video types in that it is only intended for internal use. A primary application of educational videos is in corporate training. Sometimes, it’s easier to show someone how to use something than it is to explain it without a demonstration. These videos can be especially helpful in more technical fields or when a company uses custom software.
The 15 Most Impactful Corporate Videos
Now that we understand the different types of corporate videos, let’s look at some great examples. As I was reviewing what videos to include, I thought it would be best to organize them in terms of their core objective rather than types to explain them better. However, if it’s unclear which type of video each one is, I’ll make a note of it. Keep watching below!
Employee & Partner Recruitment
Recruiting is tough these days, but many companies are up to the challenge. Just like the job searches of a decade ago, the secret to success is differentiation from the competition. Therefore, recruitment videos need to present their company as a great place to work or do business. These are company introduction videos that are focused on recruiting employees, or in the case of Airbnb, partners that will become hosts.
This video is incredibly effective because it presents many different perspectives as well as multiple reasons for hosting. Each host in this video presents a reason why they are hosting. For some, the extra income helps them live a better life. For others, the joy of sharing their home is rewarding. And finally, Airbnb presents its service as a win-win situation because each guest has a unique story, and each host gets paid to have a part in that story. It’s very compelling.
Rackspace is a cloud-based web hosting company. Here, the employee talks about when he showed up to interview for a job there. He said that he had a good feeling about the energy of the place and that this was further justified when he started there on his first day. Then, he praises the sense of mission, the energy, and the very positive corporate culture at Rackspace. Overall, the idea is that if he loves working there, you probably will too. This is employee advocacy at its best.
HubSpot is a highly innovative company where employees don’t act like when she teenagers, but they don’t behave like corporate robots either. For a lot of people, this is a high-value proposition. Eck companies have a bad reputation for toxic work cultures, juvenile behavior, and other pitfalls that can make them unpleasant places to work. However, in this video, you can see that HubSpot tries to avoid those pitfalls. At the same time, they have a very valuable product for a lot of marketers. This video is very effective in presenting this information. Best of all, they say it with subtle, mature humor.
American Express
Banks generally have a stodgy reputation, and this is especially true with legacy banks like American Express. However, as this animated video pensions, there are lots of positions for tech-savvy people within banks. In addition, AMEX points out that, rather than being old-fashioned, the bank is actually a center for innovation. Therefore, professionals who are interested in both tech and finance will love working there. The brand-appropriate use of blue is also highly appropriate.
Customer Testimonial
There is no better way to sell your product or promote your company than through customer testimonials. These videos take the customer testimonial to a whole new level of creativity, especially at the University of Rochester, where the “customer” is a university student. And as our academic example demonstrates, testimonials are effective for a huge variety of companies and industries, including nonprofits.
There is no question that e-commerce has become a major global force. In this video, you see how Shopify people in different walks of life build their businesses. One is a developer, and the other two have Shopify stores. But in all cases, the money earned through Shopify has let them not only survive but build their dreams.
Most people don’t think about how a public company can mean so much to so many. This piece is a great example of how corporate videos can serve multiple purposes. Investors and potential investors can see the value of this company from an economic standpoint. Potential employees might find the story compelling enough to apply for that job. And potential customers of Shopify’s services for them and their families.
This one is a great example of how customers don’t have to take themselves too seriously when they make a testimonial. Not only does the testimonial present the problem and how Slack solves it, but you also get some funny anecdotes. In part because of the humor, you get the point loud and clear. Who said that corporate videos have to be boring?
University of Rochester
Corporate videos don’t get much cooler than this one. Here, students literally sing a hip-hop song about why their school is awesome. The footage includes students, but also the University president acting cool and quite a few inside jokes about the University of Rochester. Students also talk about the student life at Rochester and how much fun they have while also getting a high-quality education.
Corporate Branding
When people think of your brand, what do you want them to associate with you? What type of emotional connection would you like to create with the public? Corporate branding videos are truly works of art – and after viewing these, I think you’ll agree!
Honda vehicles are known for delivering high performance and high safety at a reasonable price point. This branding video from India’s two-wheeler division reinforces this reputation. They also show just how much fun you can have driving a Honda motorcycle. At the same time, the video features employees who are passionate about their jobs. Overall, you have not just a great branding video, but in some ways, a recruiting one as well.
Thai Life Insurance
Life insurance is something that people buy because they want to secure the future of the people that they love. But in this story, the main character works hard to help people he isn’t related to, because he wants to do good in the world. It’s a great feel-good story, with an emphasis on people doing good for others. And at the end, you can see that Thai Life Insurance wants to be seen as doing good themselves. That sure fits in with the overall idea of life insurance. Best of all, this uplifting story is a great way for people to remember their brand.
Canal+ is a French television station that focuses on movies. Therefore, using a very cinematic introduction to this video is very appropriate. In addition, they use a man dressed up as a bear for the director of a movie in progress. This shows very French humor while also getting the point across that if you love movies, you’ll love watching this channel. In fact, they claim that you’ll love movies even more if you watch them.
Animated Explainer Videos
When we think of explainer videos, we often think about the classic video type that we know as the animated explainer. These are some great examples, although Spotify might also be considered a product launch video, which explains (pun intended!) the excitement it generates. Because there’s such a variety of explainer videos out there, we will focus only on the animated videos here. In the next section, we’ll look at some that were not animated. Either way, these corporate videos are highly effective.
Most people love music. When Spotify was launched in the US, they put out this simple yet effective explainer video. Simply put, they used a nice piece of jazz music and simple animation to show people what was so great about this new product. They use their iconic green and white branding. This is a great example of low-budget corporate videos that are highly effective.
Because this is a B2B brand, watermark had to produce a fairly businesslike explainer video. In this situation, they used animated characters who made the case for their product. They laid out the problem that Watermark is supposed to solve, and then they carefully demonstrated how this service solves the problem. Best of all, they made their case without any fluff.
Non-animated Explainer Video
naturally, animated videos do not work in every situation. For example, some things are difficult to showcase with animation, and in any event, sometimes you want to give corporate videos a more personal feel. In this case, you can make an explainer video without animation and use actors or employees instead. Often, these videos can even be more impactful because they involve real people – and in some cases, these real people are CEOs!
Dollar Shave Club
Who doesn’t like a good laugh? This video features the CEO of Dollar Shave Club, a men’s grooming product home delivery service. Is that you get great products for a price that’s much lower than the brand-name competition, but that is just as good. The CEO makes his case with a great sense of humor. Best of all, you may decide you like the guy.
Among corporate videos, this is one of the most outlandish I’ve ever seen. And yet, it’s very effective. The owner of Blendtec actually uses his blender to destroy and nearly pulverize an iPhone. Doing this makes an important point: Blendtec blenders are very powerful and can blend almost anything. For smoothie lovers, this is a very important feature.
Marketers may not like what Apple did vis a vis privacy, but this killer video explains Apple’s newest feature in the most compelling of ways by vividly displaying
Internal Employee Education Video
it’s relatively unusual to find these corporate videos available to the general public. Sometimes internal videos will get leaked, and sometimes companies decide they are valuable enough to share. Either way, they really give us a look into how the producing company operates or thinks. Let’s look at one of these.
This video uses growing animation to present employees with information about Coca-Cola’s future marketing strategy. It’s relatively long but divided into chapters to make it more digestible. It’s worth noting that this video, which was released several years ago, talked about the importance of content marketing and even user-generated content to grow Coca-Cola’s business. I’ve talked about this trend in several articles, including this one.
The 4 Elements of Successful Corporate Videos
Now that you have seen these corporate videos, it’s important to understand what makes them work. Typically, there are four elements that can combine into different configurations and create a successful video. Of course, the company might also include other features, but these will get you started.
Storytelling with Plots and Characters
Telling a story doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, stories that are simple often fare better, especially with corporate videos. However, without some level of a storyline, these videos can be hard to follow. A good balance is to have a no-frills story that conveys the message of each video. Usually, the main character is the person telling the story. However, in examples like the Coca-Cola video, the characters are really the company and, to a lesser extent, its employees.
Further Reading: Brand Video: 10 Examples, 10 Types & 6 Tips to Inspire You
Have Real Employees, Customers, and Relatable People
we saw this technique used very successfully with our recruitment videos. After all, employees are an important part of a company’s identity and culture. In addition, people like to work with pleasant coworkers and competent managers. Using employees as recruiting tools is an effective way to set the company apart from the crowd.
Similarly, as the saying goes, people pay people. In practice, this means that showcasing likable characters in corporate videos is a great way to convince people to contact the company or buy its products. And finally, not only do they serve as a form of endorsement, but they also go a long way to convincing people that a given product or service will work well for them.
Strategically Use Music
Music is an important way to connect with your video’s viewers. It’s also highly effective at helping to make your point. The two examples we discussed for music used to the greatest effect were Canal+ with its classic cinematic music, and Spotify, which uses jazz to demonstrate the joy of listening to good music. In some ways, neither of these corporate videos would have been complete without some type of music.
However, not all the corporate videos we discussed use music. Some of them found that a talking soundtrack was best. Either way, the point is to have music enhance your video’s message, rather than detract from it.
Trigger Viewer Emotions
Triggering emotions in your viewer is highly effective, particularly with marketing or branding videos. We see this used very effectively in several videos, such as the Honda video and the Thai Life Insurance video. In both cases, the video was uplifting and inspired you to purchase something.
However, triggering emotions doesn’t always mean that those emotions should be positive. The Dollar Shave Club video makes you laugh, but it also drives home the point that you are paying too much for shaving supplies every month. That aspect of the video can make you envious of the people who pay less, angry at the super high prices, or relieved that you can pay less.
There is little question that corporate videos are very useful. Whether they are external videos to help increase your brand profile, internal videos for employee education, or even a new product announcement, sometimes they’re the easiest and best way to spread your corporate message. Fortunately, by following the tips and learning from inspirational videos in this post, your company will be able to communicate more effectively using this amazing medium.
Hero Photo by Voyage Pro on Unsplash